To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Us
Do I live in Flemington or Hinesville?
You live in the City of Flemington! We had our own post office from 1889 until 1966 when the USPS made ZIP codes mandatory. At that time, we didn't have enough houses to sustain our post office, so it was closed down and the Hinesville post office started delivering our mail. That is why you have a Hinesville mailing address.
FUN FACT #1: You can put Flemington, GA 31313 and your mail will still arrive.
FUN FACT #2: The building that housed our post office and general store is still standing and is currently being utilized as a house of faith! It's located on the corner of Old Sunbury Rd. and Old Hines Rd. This picture shows the Flemington City Council being sworn in on its front porch. with the post office sign hanging on the top right.
Are Flemington and Fleming the same place?
No, but the cities are named after a father and son. Flemington was named after William Fleming Sr., who founded the retreat. And Fleming was named after his son, Capt. William Fleming (Jr.)
Fleming is also in Liberty County, so we can understand why folks may get confused.
Why is McLarry's Curve shaped like that?
I was poking around in the archives of images of Flemington when I came across this 1918 map that might explain why McLarry's Curve is so sharp. Turns out that there was a Savannah Hinesville and Western Rail track system shaped in just that way. Coincidence? Maybe. There's a great article about it by a Liberty County treasure, Ms. Judy Shippey in the Coastal Courier. Historical maps can be found in lots of archives. If you find something cool, let us know!
Impact Fees
What have the Impact Fees paid for?
Flemington Impact Fees recently funded a new quint fire truck for the Hinesville Fire Department! A quint is both a ladder truck and an engine. Coastal Courier - New Fire Truck Article. Initially the amount discussed was $500k, however the city was able to fund $800k for the truck at the time of the agreement signing. The HFD provides fire protection for the City of Flemington.
Animal Services
Who do I call about a stray animal?
Please contact Liberty County Animal Control at (912) 876-9191.
Is there a 24/7 veterinarian hospital in Flemington?
One of the scariest things is when your fur baby is not feeling well! Both veterinarian offices in Flemington recommend Savannah Veterinary Emergency Clinic for after-hours emergency care. Wolfe Animal Hospital offers emergency care 24/7 for established clients. All contact information is posted on the 24 Hour Veterinary Clinic page.
Where do I go to vote?
Voting in the City of Flemington is held at the Performing Arts Center.
New Resident Resources
I'm in the military. Where can I get my car tags renewed?
Liberty County Military residents can renew their license plates in two locations. The main tag office is located inside the Court House Annex at 112 North Main Street in Hinesville and at the Ft. Stewart tag office located inside the Ft. Stewart Welcome Center. The Ft. Stewart Tag Office is located inside Building 253 at 55 Pony Soldier Road, Suite 2006-4A (Second Floor). Residents can renew their current tags, purchase new tags, and do title work at both locations during normal business hours.